
NS-3 HTTP Traffic Generator

This is an implementation of a HTTP Traffic Generator. The implementation of this application is simplistic and it does not support pipelining in this current version.

The model used is based on the distributions indicated in the paper "An HTTP Web Traffic Model Based on the Top One Million Visited Web Pages" by Rastin Pries et. al. This simplistic approach was taken since this traffic generator was developed primarily to help users evaluate their proposed scheduling algorithms in other modules of ns-3 (for example LENA). To allow deeper studies about the HTTP Protocol, it needs some improvements.

It is also important to say that this module was developed to work with ns-3.13 and only with IPv4. However, the code was updated and the last checked version was ns-3.27.

The code is available at GitHub. The repository also presents details for the installation.


This is an implementation of a very simple VoIP Traffic Generator.

The history behind the implementation can be seen in this thread of NS-3 mailing list. It can be useful if you`re curious about how accurate it is and why I made some decisions in the code.

It is also important to say that this code is kind of old (mid 2013). It`s been a while since I was dealing with ns-3. So, I`m not sure if it is working with the most update versions of ns-3.

The code is available at GitHub. The repository also presents details for the installation.

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